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Breast Surgery Specialization


Breast Surgery Specialization

Breast Surgery for Increased Confidence & a Healthy Well-Being

Breast Surgery in a Comfortable Environment

There are many reasons individuals seek breast surgery, but all can result in increased confidence and a healthy well-being. Several types of surgeries are available, from what are commonly known as breast enhancement/breast augmentation to reduction and reconstructive procedures.

Breast augmentation is a procedure that enhances size and shape of the breasts. The FDA approves both saline and silicone breast implants for cosmetic breast enlargement surgery. Atalla Plastic Surgery has information available to help you decide on the best breast implants for you. Women looking to increase size or volume post-pregnancy, or those seeking to even out differing breast sizes may choose to undergo breast augmentation surgery.

Breast reduction surgery is typically done for those experiencing physical discomfort caused by large and/or sagging breasts that can often hinder the ease of activities. Breast reduction is a solution for women who suffer from back and neck pain due to oversized breasts causing disproportionate weight in the body. Heavy breasts can also cause skin irritation, breathing difficulties, and skeletal issues. A breast reduction will lessen excess weight and result in firmer and better proportioned breasts.

A Mastopexy, or breast lift, can benefit women who’ve experienced aging in the breast area due to maturity, pregnancy, nursing, or a combination of these. The result is improved appearance and younger looking breasts with increased firmness, volume, and proportion.

Patients who’ve undergone a mastectomy to remove cancerous tissue can benefit from breast reconstruction surgery, which can be performed immediately following the mastectomy. Breast reconstruction is a worthwhile procedure that supports and benefits those who’ve endured difficult breast cancer diagnosis and treatment.

For women who’ve received breast enhancement surgery, it is beneficial to undergo a breast revision with new or reshaping of implants approximately every 10 years to maintain appearance and form, as their shape can change due to aging of the surrounding tissue. A revision also offers patients the opportunity to get a breast enlargement or reduction.

Women aren’t the only patients to experience a need for breast uplift. Even men who are healthy and in good physical shape sometimes experience large or sagging breasts caused by extra glandular tissue. A male breast reduction, or gynecomastia, can omit unnecessary tissue and result in a naturally smooth and firm chest area.

Dr. Atalla board-certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery and is a member of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons. He has extensive training and experience in all aspects of breast surgery. Contact our office today for information. We offer best choices for breast surgery in a modern, highly-equipped, and comfortable environment.


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Choose CO2RE for Ultimate Skin Resurfacing

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CO2RE for Ultimate Skin Resurfacing

Are you looking for skin resurfacing, acne scar treatment, uneven skin treatment, or improvement in skin laxity? We have a versatile treatment to meet your needs. CO2RE fractional CO2 resurfacing is a laser skin treatment for face wrinkles, age spots, lines, uneven skin tone, and acne scars.

Once in our 30s, we often begin to notice fine lines around eyes and mouth, uneven coloration, age spots, and wrinkles. Facial laser resurfacing is often the key to complete skin rejuvenation.

Skin that is affected by time and sun damage will see amazing results following our CO2 laser treatment. CO2RE applies CO2 laser energy to the skin in the form of a matrix to remove areas of tissue, creating small pockets of damage surrounded by healthy skin. This healthy tissue accelerates the healing process, causing the production of new collagen and skin cells that give skin a younger, rejuvenated appearance.

While younger skin is often the primary goal of laser skin rejuvenation, fractional scar removal is a major benefit of CO2RE laser resurfacing. The CO2RE laser system provides a number of treatment modes to target varying skin issues. And the fractional laser treats both superficial and deep skin layers at the same time.

The results are fewer age spots; smoother skin texture, lines and wrinkles; and a brightened skin tone. These all will be seen gradually over time, while tone and texture improvement will result in a matter of days. Patients may maintain their new facial resurfacing with the appropriate post care recommended by their skincare expert.

CO2RE laser rejuvenation is for patients who are seeking more versatility in their fractional resurfacing skin treatment, as its resurfacing laser treats multiple skin issues. CO2RE fractional laser skin resurfacing rejuvenates skin in just one treatment, and there is less downtime with CO2RE than with traditional resurfacing methods.

Call us today to schedule your appointment for amazing skin with the CO2RE fractional CO2 resurfacing system.

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Skin Tightening Solutions—Profound

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Profound is Your Skin Tightening Solution

As the body ages and metabolism slows, effects can be easily seen on skin from head to toe. Levels of collagen and elastin break down, causing skin to lose thickness. The loss of these components is evident in skin’s appearance. We see new dryness, wrinkles, cellulite, and sagginess in the skin that doesn’t recover. While age-induced change in skin is inevitable, sometimes factors in our environment can also cause premature loss of elasticity, tone, and fullness. Heredity, free radicals, and lifestyle factors including stress, diet, and sun and smoke exposure affect oxygen molecules in our skin. This speeding up of aging tends to first appear as early as our 30s when we begin to see lines and wrinkles, as well as skin that is looser on different areas of the body. Great skin care is available, but for something more than a topical routine, you may consider an option that will not only repair damaged skin quickly, but also maintain the skin’s natural youthful components. If you’re looking for the best skin-tightening treatment without the commitment of surgery, Profound Contour + Lift is right for you. Profound therapy offers skin firming and contouring with its revolutionary radio frequency microneedling technology to target specific areas and stimulate collagen, elastin, and hyaluronic acid, which helps skin retain its moisture. Energy-based Profound rf microneedling targets multiple areas of the body including face, jawline, and neck, as well as stomach, arms, and legs. Profound can be utilized by your specialist to provide non-surgical skin-tightening solutions such as cellulite removal, face and neck tightening, and allover natural skin firming. With Profound, you have the option to tighten loose skin under arms and around the stomach and knees. The deep SubQ tool allows us to contour your chin and tighten neck skin by thermally destroying fat cells. Profound offers natural skin tightening for both men and women, because it actually creates elastin, collagen, and hyaluronic acid – skin’s three most important characteristics in keeping it supple and hydrated. Profound’s non-surgical cellulite treatment can even be used to target areas on legs and provide a knee lift. This non-invasive skin-tightening treatment is only needed in one visit, and results in dramatic contouring and firming with a 100% response rate for wrinkles and 95% for skin elasticity without any fillers or toxins. Although we cannot stop the clock on aging skin, we can enjoy the advantages of technology like Profound. Maximize results from your anti-aging routine with a session at our office. Call today for details.
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Breast Cancer, Mastectomy + Reconstruction

In breast cancer, breast reconstruction, mastectomy by admin

Breast cancer is the most common major cancer in women, and it is currently estimated that one in nine American women will develop breast cancer. Fortunately, early detection and treatment is improving the survival from this disease. Clearly, a woman's breasts are one of the most basic symbols of her femininity and the loss of a breast, through cancer, can have a devastating impact on her emotional stability and social confidence. Not only does she have to confront the specter of cancer, but she must also often deal with the constant physical deformity of a mastectomy - a constant reminder of the disease and a significant psychological and social burden. It is not surprising, then, that many women seek and even demand breast reconstruction in order to restore their sense of "wholeness" or to "feel feminine again." That demand has encouraged the development of ever better techniques for breast reconstruction. Breast reconstruction involves essentially two general means. First is the use of tissue expanders and implants. In the first operation (about one and a-half hours) a tissue expander is placed under the chest muscles. Over the next several weeks the expander is gradually filled with salt water until the desired size is achieved. The expander can then be exchanged for a more anatomically shaped implant in a second (about one hour) operation. The second general means of reconstruction, uses the patient's own tissue to rebuild the breast. Skin, fat and some muscle is obtained from the back, abdomen or buttock, and is transferred to the breast site where it is shaped into a breast mound. This operation takes approximately four to eight hours. Combinations of these techniques may also be employed to achieve the best possible results. A common example is using a muscle/fat/skin flap from the back to add softer coverage to an implant. The nipple can be created later from local skin once the tissues settle into position and the color is achieved by tattooing or skin grafting. The best time to consider reconstruction is prior to mastectomy, because more options are available then. If desired, the first stage of reconstruction can be accomplished during the same operative setting as the mastectomy. Reconstruction can also be instituted months or years after mastectomy with an expectation of good results. With the various reconstructive options available today, almost everyone who wants it is a candidate for breast reconstruction surgery. Breast cancer is certainly a frightening illness and should not be faced alone. The best approach is usually a team approach including the patient, the patient's family, primary care physician, general surgeon, oncologist, plastic and reconstructive surgeon, friends, and cancer support groups, such as the Kentucky Cancer Program. Be sure to take as much time as you need to discuss your options with your physician. Most will be happy to discuss them with you or refer you for appropriate consultations.
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If you’re a healthy person who eats well and exercises regularly but just can’t seem to get rid of those stubborn pockets of fat, there may be a new solution for you. SculpSure, Cynosure’s FDA approved non-invasive laser-based device, developed to specifically target and permanently destroy fat cells, has hit the market, and is quickly gaining in popularity. Featured on Dr. Oz as a “game changer” in non-invasive fat removal, this therapy is highly effective and easily fits into one’s busy lifestyle. Although non-invasive body contouring has been utilized in cosmetic surgery for several years, SculpSure provides a therapy that is more effective, less time consuming and more tolerable than previous treatment options. It also requires no anesthesia or downtime. This 25-minute, one time “lunch time” treatment is so easy that patients can immediately resume activities such as work and exercise. Furthermore, its efficacy is not dependent on patient activity following treatment, and the average reduction in treated cells at 24% far exceeds what has been seen in many older modalities. SculpSure’s innovative technology utilizes heat to essentially destroy the fat cells while protecting the skin. The procedure involves placing four applicators over the targeted area where heat is delivered directly to the fat cells. While this is happening, the skin is chilled by the applicator head. Unlike some of the older devices, we can adjust the pattern of the four applicators to best suit the patient. One of the huge advantages of this treatment is that there is no reaction in the skin, so all skin types can be treated. Whether you’re fair or very dark, this therapy is safe. Over several weeks following treatment, the dead cells slough off and are absorbed by the body then discarded as waste. You begin to see contouring happen gradually, and by about 12 weeks, optimal results are noted. Sounds like a dream, right?? Well, while SculpSure has changed the face of non-invasive body contouring, it is not for everyone. This is not a weight loss program or alternative to a healthy lifestyle and will not improve excessive loose skin and lax muscle tone. SculpSure targets specific problem areas such as the abdomen, love handles and thighs, as well as the dreaded back and “bra” fat. Careful patient selection is imperative to provide optimal outcomes, and potential candidates are smart to seek out a facility that has long-standing experience treating this issue. Dr. Atalla, Board Certified Plastic Surgeon, and his staff at Atalla Plastic Surgery have extensive experience in all aspects of body contouring and fat removal. So why should you consider SculpSure non-invasive body contouring at Atalla Plastic Surgery? Because this breakthrough technology delivers superior results in one 25-minute treatment session with no downtime. With over 90% patient satisfaction and an average of 24% permanent fat cell destruction, patients are able to achieve a slimmer, more contoured shape without disrupting their daily lifestyle. Whether you’re trying to shape it up for summer or get back into those long-forgotten skinny jeans, SculpSure is certainly something to think about.
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going under the needle

In Blog, botox + fillers, Uncategorized by admin


Going Under the Needle


These days, there seems to be an endless amount of options for those seeking a more youthful appearance. Botox® and Dysport®, dermal fillers, and other non-surgical therapies are becoming increasingly popular for those wishing to turn back the clock without going under the knife. And while anti-aging injectables are based on science, the results can actually seem magical. In some instances, just one office visit can yield extremely impressive and instant results, without the downtime associated with more invasive procedures. So, what should you know before going under the needle? Here’s the skinny on what to look for when seeking out these treatments.

Freedom of “Expression”

When it comes to smoothing wrinkles, Botox is king. Most people are familiar with neurotoxins as “botox” has essentially become a household word. Not only is the botulism toxin most likely behind well-preserved Hollywood faces, more and more consumers are seeking it out in order to erase or even prevent signs of aging. Botox®, along with other FDA-approved products such as Dysport®, are used to weaken or paralyze a targeted muscle to prevent creasing of the skin thus “softening” lines and wrinkles. The most common sites to use a neurotoxin are the forehead, glabella (between the eyes), and the crow’s feet on the outer aspects of the eyes. Other areas such as around the mouth and neck are also commonly injected, however, an untrained or inexperienced injector can yield less than desirable results so ask about your practitioner’s training, skills and experience.

Do the injections hurt?

We typically describe the injections as feeling like a bee sting. That may even be an exaggeration, as the injections are most always highly tolerated. Slight bruising and tenderness to the touch may occasionally last for a few days after treatment.

How long does Botox® last?

The effects of neurotoxins can last three to four months, but often last longer than that as the patient continues to have treatment. The key is to have injections on a regular schedule just as the muscles seem to be working again. If you give those treated muscles the chance to fully recover and attain full motion, you are essentially starting over. If done on a three to four month schedule, the muscles will eventually atrophy and treatment will be needed less frequently.

How much does Botox® cost?

The cost of neurotoxins can vary widely based on regional demographics, volume and expertise of the practitioner. This doesn’t mean that you should ever bargain shop your Botox®! On the contrary, when you see a “too good to be true” price on injectables, well it most likely is just that. More often than not, “cheap” Botox® yields shorter lasting, less desirable results.

What could go wrong?

Most often, side effects of neurotoxins are temporary and restricted to the area of treatment. They include drooping of the eyebrow, headache, pain, swelling, bruising, skin tightening and a feeling of “numbness.” We frequently see patients with “dropped brows” in our office as a result of a patient being injected by an inexperienced practitioner. Unfortunately, the patient must wait it out until the issue subsides.

In rare cases, the toxin’s effects can move away from the treated site, causing issues with swallowing and speaking. This is most likely seen when treating with high doses of neurotoxins for non-aesthetic purposes.


While neurotoxins such as Botox® and Dysport® are used to paralyze muscles and soften lines, fillers are used to add fullness to areas where we have lost volume. As we age, our face naturally loses subcutaneous fat often causing a gaunt or hollow look. Fillers are a fairly simple and highly effective means of treating this volume loss. There may be nothing more gratifying for a cosmetic patient than to have immediate correction as a result of a dermal filler. Unlike neurotoxins, fillers vary widely in their composition, and one must be diligent in seeking out a practitioner who understands the differences and is able to provide the appropriate product to the patient.

What makes a dermal filler?

Not only are patients confused about the difference between neurotoxins and dermal fillers, they are further perplexed over what exactly makes up a filler. The most well known fillers on the market are hyaluronic acid based (Juvederm®, Voluma®, Restylane® and Perlane®), calcium hydroxylapatide (Radiesse®), man-made polymers (Sculptra®), and microscopic beads and bovine collagen (Artefill®). These fillers are commonly injected into the nasolabial folds (creases on the sides of the mouth), cheeks, lower face, lips, and hands. They may also be used to correct hollow areas under the eyes and to fill in scars.

How long do fillers last?

Fillers can have very different lives in our bodies. Some last for only a few months while others such as fat transfers can be permanent.

How much do fillers cost?
The cost of dermal fillers varies by product, regional demographics and level of practitioner experience and skill. Again, one should never bargain shop filler or any other cosmetic procedure for that matter.

What could go wrong?

It is important to understand that various fillers differ in thickness and volume, and should be matched to a patient’s needs. A thick filler used in the wrong area, can create undesirable lumps and unevenness. One of the most common side effects of fillers is the formation of tiny bumps under the skin. Depending on the product used, these can often be massaged out and dissipate with time. Sometimes, a bluish discoloration known as the Tyndell effect can happen in areas such as under the eye where skin is thin. Very rarely, skin cells may die if fillers are not used properly. There have also been a few reported cases of nerve damage by poor injection technique.

Who You Should Trust To Inject You?

Although convenience and low price may be enticing when seeking out a practitioner, be very careful who you allow to treat you. Neurotoxins and dermal fillers are drugs and should be administered by a highly specialized, trained professional. Going to a board certified plastic surgeon, dermatologist or facial plastic surgeon is the best way to achieve optimal results in a safe environment. Often, physicians and paraprofessionals practicing in unrelated areas, offer injectables as a side business. We see these popping up in gyms, hair salons and even people’s living rooms. What is concerning about these situations is that there is no one to take of the patient when things go badly…and they often do in these situations! Simply put, do your homework on your injector.

Dr. Atalla, Board Certified Plastic Surgeon, and his physician assistant, Amy McGill, MPAS PA-C, have over 30 years of combined experience in all areas of facial rejuvenation and injectable therapy. Amy is a master level injector and has been awarded Allergan Facial Aesthetics master trainer. Atalla Plastic Surgery is one of 4 Diamond level Allergan accounts in the state of Kentucky as a result of our expertise in the areas of Botox® and dermal filler therapies and skin care. To learn more or to schedule an appointment for a free consultation, please call 270-796-8960.

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the mommy makeover

In Blog, body contouring, tummy tuck by admin




New baby can also mean “new body” for many women as pregnancy certainly can take its toll, causing undesired changes in areas such as the breasts, tummy, legs and skin. After nine months of pregnancy, and sometimes several more of nursing, many women long for their “pre-baby” bodies back. In recent years, the term “Mommy Makeover” has become popular, and women have become less afraid to admit that although they love their children, they also wish their bodies looked at least somewhat like they did prior to having children. And as we have often seen in our office, women desire a little extra help after adhering to a healthy diet and exercise regimen. While one may assume that “Mommy Makeover” is a new term in plastic surgery, the procedure, in fact, consists of a combination of surgeries that address the breasts, tummy and excess fat. These individual procedures such as breast augmentation, tummy tuck and liposuction have been used for decades in plastic surgery, and have long, successful and safe track records. Because each woman’s body will respond differently to pregnancy and nursing, deciding what type of procedures your “mommy makeover” will consist of is something that you should take seriously and discuss at length with a board-certified plastic surgeon. After careful consultation and examination, your plastic surgeon may suggest a combination of several procedures. One of the most common complaints following pregnancy is loss of a flat tummy. This is a result of poor skin elasticity, excess skin and stretching and tearing of the abdominal muscles. An abdominoplasty, or tummy tuck, will address these issues, and permanently restore firmness to the stomach. If stretch marks are evident below the belly button, they can usually be excised during the procedure. Abdominoplasty is often performed in conjunction with liposuction if pockets of fat are also evident. Although abdominoplasty may narrow your waist, it does not affect fat in other areas of the body. A surgeon may suggest liposuction to restore contour to areas such as the flanks, or love handles, and thighs. Another common complaint following pregnancy is loss of shape, fullness and evenness in the size of the breasts. Your surgeon may suggest a breast augmentation using implants, a breast lift, also known as mastopexy, or a combination of both. If your breasts remain larger than desired and cause problems such as rashes, pain and poor posture, your surgeon may suggest a breast reduction. So when should a woman consider having a mommy makeover? Most surgeons will suggest that you wait at least six months after pregnancy or breastfeeding to have any combination of these procedures. It is also recommended that you have achieved a healthy weight as none of these procedures address weight loss. If you intend to have more children, a surgeon will likely suggest that you wait to have one or more of these procedures until you are done with all your pregnancies. Careful selection of your surgeon is imperative for a pleasant experience and satisfactory outcome. Your decision should be made based on the surgeon’s training and certification, experience with this particular procedure and your comfort level with him or her. Board certification and membership in the American Society of Plastic Surgeons should be highly considered when choosing your physician. Although many non-plastic surgeon doctors may offer one or more of these procedures, they have not gone through the rigorous training that a board certified plastic surgeon has. Dr. Atalla, Board Certified Plastic Surgeon, has over 15 years experience in a broad range of cosmetic procedures, including all of those mentioned above. Consultations are available by appointment, and may be made by calling 270-796-8960.